Royal Structure Undated 22″ × 17″ Single Autographic Print
Girl in Profile 1971 20″ × 14″ Lithograph on paper
Muscleman 1983 36″ × 28 1/4″ Oil on canvas
Snap: Pie Piece 1977 72″ × 72″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Departure of Tyranny of the Corner 1969 81″ × 74″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Park #38 1972 17″ × 24″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Old Games 1955-57 24″ × 19″ Single Autographic Print
Child's Punchout in Rear-View Mirror 1971 40″ × 28″ Silkscreen on paper
Matisse Set 1961-62 81″ × 64″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Woman With Long Hair 1953 26″ × 19″ Lithograph on paper
Snap #75 1974 90″ × 74″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Juggling in Rousseaux's Dark 1960 82″ × 69″ Oil on canvas
Interstellar Youth Blade 1971 42″ × 30″ Silkscreen on paper
Park #59 1972-73 27 1/2″ × 23 1/2″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Atlantis 1959-60 68″ × 72.25″ Oil on canvas
Musclemen #3 1981 60″ × 120″ Oil on canvas
Toy Horse #183 1979 14.5″ × 16.5″ Mixed media on paperboard
Stages #38 1987 26 1/2″ × 26 1/2″ × 3 3/4″ Mixed media on board
Untitled 1956 20″ × 16″ Single Autographic Print
Silent Light #17 1968-69 26 1/2″ × 36 1/4″ Oil on canvas
John Lennon 1969 26″ × 20″ Lithograph on paper
Dead Boat Pond 1955-56 84″ × 65″ Oil on canvas
Snap #54 1973 Oil and lucite on canvas
Park #2 1970 60″ × 108″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Spectre of the Grasshopper Undated 24″ × 19″ Single Autographic Print
Enigma: Women Kicking Heads 1964 32″ × 38″ Ink and gouache on board
Friendship Apparatus Beset by Foibles 1960-61 75″ × 84″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Bullet Through the Space Window 1956 31″ × 25″ Single Autographic Print
Window #1 1966-67 72″ × 40″ Ink and lucite on canvas
Rind Dance 1957 20″ × 16″ Single Autographic Print
Superstar 1971 14″ × 20″ Lithograph on paper
Yang Kuei-Fei Door 1969 29″ × 40″ Silkscreen on paper
Anchorite 1960 12″ × 12″ Oil and lucite on masonite
Snap: Unnumbered 1974 60″ × 60″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Muscleman 1983 Oil on canvas
The Place of the Samurai 1957 29″ × 23″ Single Autographic Print
Silent Light #11 1968-69 52 1/2″ × 52 1/2″ Oil on canvas
Enigma #44 1972 21.75″ × 31.75″ Ink and gouache on board
To Throw a Stone at Midnight 1955 60″ × 48″ Oil and lucite on 44 masonite
Snap: In Memory of Arthur B. Scace 1972 73″ × 73″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Target #3 1959 78.25″ × 70″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Blue on Yellow Stretch 1971 29″ × 41″ Silkscreen on paper
Yoko Ono 1969 23″ × 17″ Lithograph on paper
Park #9 1972 60″ × 60″ Oil and lucite on canvas
Untitled & Undated Collage 48″ × 48″ Mixed media paper collage on masonite
Talking Pendulum 1958 48″ × 30″ Mixed media collage
Toy Horse 1976 25″ × 18″ Pastel on paper
Stretch #26 1971-72 61″ × 91″ Oil on canvas
Snap #39 1973 20″ × 20″ Oil and lucite on canvas